06 August 2008

More of the same

Same intersection. Same red light. Different Cyclist. This morning on my way to work the bicyclist that ran the red light was older and wearing a helmet. Riding a noisy old black mountain bike and wearing a backpack. I think I've seen this guy before, and he may even be the guy I spoke to once. He rolls up to the intersection in the right turn line. Stops at the red light to wait for a break in the traffic, then rides across five lanes. The light still red. I use the non-turning lane, wait in line with traffic for the green light, then cross and move the to the right side side as I finish crossing.

Does anybody care but me? Probably not. Why do I care? I want drivers of cars to respect me as user of the roadway with equal rights and equal responsibilities. Can they tell the difference between me and the guy that ran the light? Probably not. Certainly not once we're both out of the intersection and riding along in the bicycle lane.

Is there something I can do that will make a difference?


  1. I care. I do the same. In fact, when I come upon a line of stopped cars, I don't even slip up to the front between them and the curb. Rather, I just "get in line". When in a car, I hate having to pass the same bicyclist 12 times after 12 different stop signs.

    As for idiots not obeying the laws, no matter their mode of transit, karma says that they should then not expect others to obey the laws that benefit said idiot.

    Did you hear about the recent Critical Mass incident in Seattle? I think the movement has gotten out of hand, and they have succeeded in getting all bicyclists badly associated with their bad behavior. Like the way all BMW drivers are assumed to be the "typical" BMW driver.

  2. Wow - that's quite a story, Heem. I've read a few comments from bicyclists lately expressing concern that the critical mass rides are really damaging the image of bicyclists.
