17 May 2010

Additional details

If you read the previous post, you might come away thinking that it takes more than three hours of riding a bicycle in a forest to make a perfect weekend. You'd be right, of course, but the weekend had some other notable successes.

First of all, we had spectacular weather all weekend!

Friday evening I met with a former coworker of mine and he pointed me in the right direction on some sediment toxicology issues I've been struggling with on a project at work. Saturday morning, while Cindy was working, Abbey was off to a friends house, and Quinn was bumming about the house, I made some pretty good progress in implementing those methods and came up with some interesting answers on the project. Another four hours of free work for that client!

Saturday afternoon when Abbey got home, the kids and I put in three solid hours of lawn work (Quinn likes to run the weed whacker and Abbey made an attempt at mowing the back yard). We made some good progress on getting things cleaned up.

Cindy made a great dinner Saturday night that included her yummy potato salad. After that, I worked more on that work-related project while the rest of the family watched a movie.

Sunday afternoon we went to Wild Type and picked up a bunch of native Michigan plants for the yard. We got a variety of things as an experiment; we'll see what works and go from there. We spent several hours reworking gardens and planting our new plants that afternoon. Quinn was right there helping the whole time. Abbey has entered pre-teen years, so we don't know where she was.

OK. This week the kids are out of school Monday and Tuesday. Cindy has dresses to make and I have to survive another week of work.

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