Of course, Quinn and I have already found a replacement. Soon to be starting it's journey from California to Michigan is the Fandango tandem below. It will actually be a better fit for both of us, and it was designed for off road use. It should serve us well for some serious trail riding:

Fandango tandems are built here in the U.S., and are sold by MTB Tandems. This one, which is used, was built in 2009 and has seen about 6 months of use by a couple in California. Note that the previous owner removed the Fandango decals. Here's another picture of a black Fandango of the same size that I snipped from the MTB Tandems website, with the decals on it. The owner of MTB Tandems said he would send me some decals if I wanted to put them back on it. What do you think? I like the decals.

Congrats on a smooth transition! Get the decals: removing all branding is kind of strange. And it's educational - Cailan started learning to read by sounding out bike brands.