Yet we accrue it even though we cannot catch it. Happy birthday to my Grandma D. She's been accruing time for quite a few years, now. I hope she's been able to catch a bit of it during her years.
Last night, Abbey had five friends over for a spook-tacular sleep over. How many times did we have to tell those girls it was time to go to sleep? The clock said 1:00 a.m. and they were still chattering and giggling. And texting?
I still have not found time to post photos from the last few days of our Colorado trip. I hope to do it sometime before this fall slips away. We had a great time in the desert around Grand Junction with the Diddawah and I would like to share it.
A few weeks ago we squeezed in a short camping trip. One might think that meant we found time to go camping, but the truth is that we didn't really have time, we just did it anyway -- we crammed it in between this and that even though it really didn't fit.
The theft of three of our bikes on our return trip from Colorado was disheartening, but the lost bikes have been replaced, and Abbey and I have been enjoying our new bikes. Quinn has adjusted to having not gotten a new bike. At about the same time the new bikes arrived, Cindy was afflicted by some sort of shoulder muscle problem. Over Labor Day Weekend, a muscle in her left shoulder became knotted and excruciatingly painful. For several days she was nearly unable to function. A few trips to physical therapy took most of the knot out, but she was left with numbness and pain in her left arm, from shoulder to fingers. Among other things, this meant she has been completely unable to ride her new bike until this weekend. Today she rode and had no pain and no numbness!!
Today was a perfect day for a ride at Anderson Park. We felt a few light rain drops when we arrived, but the sprinkles passed and then the sky was mostly sunny most of the time. The forest was beautiful, the ground and trail layered with intensely yellow maple leaves. We couldn't have asked for a nicer October day to ride.
To push ourselves beyond our easy trail pace, Cindy and I added a little time trial to today's ride. We've been falling behind in our exercising and wanted to be sure we burned some calories and fatigued some muscles. Here's Cindy on her Superlight just after finishing her timed run around the green loop:

Abbey took this photo of me finishing my timed loop with a little air. It appears that she'd like to cut off my head!

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