The Capitol City Run takes place in downtown Lansing and much of the course follows the paved trails and boardwalks of the Lansing River Trail. It's a nice course (maybe next year I'll try it).
Here's the start. Those Playmakers Team boys always win.

The race included sort of a carnival at the finish, with plenty of food. And a dinosaur. It was lots of fun.

Like many of these events, there was a kids run. Can you find Q&A? Quinn crashed on the race course while running down a hill, so he and Abbey finished nearly last. He had a big scrape on his knee and one on his hip, and was missing some skin on one hand. We got to visit the first aid tent for repairs.

There was an inflatable tiki for climbing. Abbey made it to the top because I said I'd pay her five dollars if she could do it. She needs some real incentive sometimes.

The kids run and the climbing all happened while Cindy was running. She finished in 2 hrs and 21 minutes. That's just 3 minutes longer than her run in Detroit last year, and was really quite good considering that her training has been much less intense this year. She spent the last few miles of the run chatting the woman on her left in this picture. Can you see the blister on Cindy's foot?

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